Monday, February 4, 2013

Post Super Bowl!

This was a cake that I made for my hubby's Super bowl Party!!

Well after a weekend of headaches, and my husband’s football team losing the Super Bowl I thought our week was going to start off rough. We went to the VA today for an appointment with the PTSD therapist and it turned out to be a productive day.

Yes, I said PRODUCTIVE and VA in the same sentence. I gained some knowledge that gave me a much better understanding of how PTSD affects the brain and what parts of the brain. Even after being with my husband for the past 5 years I feel like I only have a glimps of an understanding on how he is personally affected by his PTSD.

I was also able to finally touch base with a representative from Wounded Warrior and got my husband all squared away as well as start getting him a rep through Wounded Warrior to help him go back through his comp and pen and redue his application.

I got a lot of positive responses from everyone that I talked to and I felt that I am finally getting the exposure to the information that I have been looking for that would provide me with the best abilities to help my husband improve and finally truly recover.

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